Steen got a new calling today, he is going to be a counselor in the young mens presidency. He will work together with two of his best friends; Hans Jørgen og Kasper. I am sure they will have a lot of fun together, and make many good activities for the young men.
After church we went home and made dinner. Our good friend Stephan and Joanna came to eat at our place. We had gulerods karbonader - uhmm hard to explain that in english, but it's really good!
It was a good afternoon and evening. We also made "epleskiver" from scrach. Most people buy them ready to eat, but the ones you make at home are much better. I had never tried epleskiver before I came to Denmark. At first I though it was just appels in pieces, like the word "epleskiver" really means. But I soon learned it was some kind of a cake the danish people use to eat around Christmas time. It tastes really good.
Stephan later nearly burned down our house :-) Well, he didnt, I am just joking. I put the kitchen towel to close to a candle, and it started to burn (so it was actually all my fault). But the funny part of it was Stephans reaction. I didnt even notice it was burning before he was lifting it up and waving it around trying to make it stop burning. Of course it didnt. So he put it back in the bowl, and I hurried out in the kitchen to put water on it. We all got a good laugh out of it!
Hah! that's a cute picture of us. That was a fun day and now we'll never forget the fire incident because you documented it on here! :-)
SvarSlettthat is a cute picture of Joanna and Stephan! Thank you for sharing the fire incident. Now I have one more thing to poke fun at Stephan about. :)
SvarSlettps, this is Joanna's sister.
Lol... I guess there are a lot of funny stories about Stephan!
SvarSlettYou`re right - its a cute picture of them. They are cute together :-)