torsdag 8. juli 2010

Privacy settings

I havn`t written any blogs in a very long time. I have been busy with the new job, and a lot of other things. And I think I didn't really like the thought of sharing my life with all the world. It's good to share pictures, thoughts and ideas with family and close friends. But I didn't like the though that "everyone" could read it..... Thats why I am not a big fan of facebook anymore. Facebook is good for some reasons - but it's to "open" for sharing more privat stuff. Today I finally found out I could make my blog open, only for invited friends - that made me want to start blogging again. Not every day, but once in a while!
Today has been a good day. I was supposed to work this evening, but they called me and said they didn't need me. I won't loose any money, I have some hours to use. (We don't get paid for overtime work and weekend work, they let us get days off instead) I don't know if I like it or not. I could definitely use some more money. But to have an extra evening at home is very nice to once in a while!
I am sitting outside, its not even cold. The sun is on its way down, but its not dark yet. Its very peaceful and quiet. I am enjoying the moment :-)

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