Steen is gone for most of the week. He has a lot to do at his work. Now he is in Fredrikshavn (at the best Scandic hotel there is in Denmark, I am not jalous at all!!!!!), and at Thursday he will go to Copenhagen. So I have a lot of time to clean the house for chrismas, put up chrismas decorations and update my blog....
Today I have been making Christmas decorations with Steens mum. It was actually pretty fun. Here you can see the result:

This was for the front door. But unfortunately there wasnt any place to suspend it. So I put it on the wall in the bathroom instead. I guess that works too!

This decoration was for the living room. And here it is. Steen has made all those silver stars at the table. He tried to teach me how to do it too, but it wasnt that easy. Dont know if I could do it myself, without him guiding me.... Sometimes he is also making big hearts and baskets out of them. Its pretty amazing!

This was for the kitchen, its my favorite!

I had to add this picture too. I love that little "nisse". One of my brothers made it many years ago, and I think it is so cute!
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