søndag 31. januar 2010

Going to the temple

Last Saturday we went to the temple to attend a sealing for two of our good friends Joanna and Stephan. We woke up early, very early that morning. I could hardly get myself out of bed. Katja and Poul-Erik came at 6.30. They were also going to the temple that day, so we had decided to drive there together.

Steen said I should try to sleep a bit. I told him I usually cant sleep when I am in a car. But after a while I found out I actually can sleep while sitting in a moving car. I think I was sleeping for almost an hour, but I was still so tired when I woke up.... But it turned out to be a very good day!
It was good to be in the temple again, and it was a very good experience to be at the sealing of Stephan and Joanna. They are a cute couple!
Last time I attended a sealing it was actually my own, and this was in the same room and the same person who sealed them. That brought back a lot of good memories!
Thank you Stephan and Joanna, for inviting us!

Later we went to a girl called Rosemarie, and there we celebrated Stephan and Joannas big day with pizza and some delicious cakes.

It turned out to be pretty funny while Stephan had brought blue napkins, and we all found out we had a nice blue beard around our mouthes. I didnt notice first... For a little second I was wondering if the person next to me was frezzing or if it was just the light.... I assumed it had to be the light I guess, so I didnt say anything. But later we found out that we all had the same nice blue colour around our mouthes :-) So next time anyone of you are inviting to a party - DO NOT buy cheap blue christmas napkins :-)

While waiting for Katja and Poul Erik, Steen and I went to the bookstore close to the temple, and we bought a few good books. Because it was freezing cold outside, we later went in to the chapel close by. Steen was playing the piano and singing. I was trying to keep myself warm, and listened to Steen playing. It is so amazing to see him play a piano. He can play anything without any notes. He was asking me for a song to play, and I suggested my favourit song of Mads Langer (a danish artist), and after trying a few times, he could play and sing it all. Thats amazing!

søndag 24. januar 2010

Girlsnight at home

Wednesday nights Steen goes to some activities for the young men in our ward. So last Wednesday I decided it was a good idea to have kind of a girls-night at home when he was gone. I invited Bolette, a friend from church, And Mia, a friend from work.
Mia is going to start school in February, so she quit work a week ago. I miss her very much at work. But I guess its a good thing that she is starting school.
Bolette and Mia brought their paint and brushes, and we had a good evening while we were painting pictures, talking and listening to classical music. Very relaxing.

Since Mia had started a new lifestyle with only healthy food, I had prepared some fruit with cashewnut- and peanuttbutter - dip. It tasted so good. And we also had smoothies with rasberries and bananas.

I have to admit I am not a very good painter. My picture didnt look good at all. So after a while I found out I wanted to knit instead. That was much easier, and I enjoyed it a lot.

Late evening Steen came home again, we were still working on our paintings. I think he laughed a bit, we had been painting for almost 4 hours, and still wasnt satisfied with the pictures. Then he sat down in front of the TV.

mandag 18. januar 2010

Monday evening

I guess its Steens turn to write something on this blog. He always use to look through what I write, and make sure the English spelling and grammar are all right, but he hasnt really written anything by him self yet.... But I am happy he takes time to check my English, because its not always correct....
Right now he is in the theatre with a good friend, so I guess he will have to read it all through tomorrow!
It has been snowing for almost 4 weeks. Not every day of course, but its still white outside, like up in the mountains in Norway. I like the snow, I think the white snow lightens up this dark part of the year. But most people I know want the snow to disappear now. And even if I like the snow, I do understand them. I am also looking forward to spring and summer. Most of all I am looking forward not to be freezing cold all the time, but I also look forward to see our yard in spring- and summertime. And I look forward to go home to Norway on vacation!

Today I want to share two pictures. Since I have been talking about spring and summer, the pictures will show some nice flowers. On saturday we had Steens sister and her family over for dinner, and she brought a nice pink bunch of flowers for us. That was very nice of her.
Yesterday Karin came by after the church meetings. It was ward-conference, and Karin was visiting our ward because of her calling in the stake. It was nice to have her visit us after church, and we had a very good afternoon and evening together. She also brought a beautiful decoration for our home, it was kind of a late wedding gift - and it was so cute.

My hands

This is how my hands look sometimes, especially when I have been working at the hospital or cleaning at home. Pretty boring. If anyone knows how to get allergies like that to disappear - I will be happy to know!!

My favorite part of the house

This is my favorite part of our house. When you go up the stairs to first floor, there are three old windows. I love those windows. They are old, and they let in to much cold air during the winter, but they are beautiful. I hope we can find a way to isolate around them, so we can keep them! Close to the windows we have two lamps hanging over the stairs, they also look a little bit old - we had a hard time finding some lamps we liked, and who would fit to the old windows.

The ceiling on first floor is very special too. The old man who used to live in the house burned the beams by hand, and put them up. It gives the impression of old times, or the feeling of being in a cabin up in the mountains.

If you ask Steen about my favorite place in the house, he will probably tell you it is the bathroom on first floor. Well, I like to spend time there - but only for one special reason...... - it normally the warmest place in the house. Its has floor heating, and I sometimes bring my computer in there, just to sit at the floor and get warm while I am using my computer.

This is me in front of one of the beautiful windows. And the sweater I wear, is the woolen sweater I got from Steen for christmas - I love it!

tirsdag 12. januar 2010

Epleskiver og søndagshygge

The first sunday in the new year was a good day. It was the first sunday in months we had all our 3 meetings. Our church building has been renovated, and there has not been enough class-rooms for all the different meetings. I have to admit it was pretty comfortable in the beginning. Only one hour of church, no preparations for sundayschool lessons, but instead a long sunday afternoon at home. But now it was time for us to go back to the 3 hour church meetings. And actually I did like it. I have missed my sunday school class - even the preparations where I learn a lot myself.
Steen got a new calling today, he is going to be a counselor in the young mens presidency. He will work together with two of his best friends; Hans Jørgen og Kasper. I am sure they will have a lot of fun together, and make many good activities for the young men.

After church we went home and made dinner. Our good friend Stephan and Joanna came to eat at our place. We had gulerods karbonader - uhmm hard to explain that in english, but it's really good!

It was a good afternoon and evening. We also made "epleskiver" from scrach. Most people buy them ready to eat, but the ones you make at home are much better. I had never tried epleskiver before I came to Denmark. At first I though it was just appels in pieces, like the word "epleskiver" really means. But I soon learned it was some kind of a cake the danish people use to eat around Christmas time. It tastes really good.

Stephan later nearly burned down our house :-) Well, he didnt, I am just joking. I put the kitchen towel to close to a candle, and it started to burn (so it was actually all my fault). But the funny part of it was Stephans reaction. I didnt even notice it was burning before he was lifting it up and waving it around trying to make it stop burning. Of course it didnt. So he put it back in the bowl, and I hurried out in the kitchen to put water on it. We all got a good laugh out of it!